We have to go back to the very first years of the project, between 2005 and 2007, when the project was born in a kitchen somewhere in Paris.
It was Jules Hotrique, the inventor of the dualo keyboard, who gave it this name which would then become the name of the company, ‘Dualo SAS’, then the brand ‘dualo’, and even the name of the logo which is on your instruments and which we call the ‘dualo key’, and whose story we will also tell you soon.
It all started with the invention of this keyboard with keys arranged in a honeycomb and composed of two complementary keyboards. The principle makes it possible to separate the ranges into two parts, one on each side. The keyboard is therefore double, ‘dual’ in English.
Very quickly it appeared that this double keyboard make it possible to simplify the visualisation and learning of certain musical notions, and even facilitate the playing of them.
Music is a universal language and it is therefore towards Esperanto that Jules Hotrique naturally turned to choose a name for his keyboard. Esperanto is a language created in 1887 to facilitate exchanges and communication between people all over the planet. Designed to be a universal language, Esperanto can be learned in one or two months and carries values of peace and benevolence.
Yet, in Esperanto, we go from an adjective to a noun by adding an ‘o’. Thus from the word ‘dual’ came the word ‘dualo’ by incorporating the principles of construction of Esperanto.
The circle was complete, the dualo keyboard, a universal keyboard allowing faster access to the musical language, took on a name based on a universal language that can be learned quickly.
As for the values of peace and benevolence, don’t we say that ‘music soothes the soul’?